Clinical Data Management Quiz

10 Questions: 1 Mark each

Planning for CDM Interview ? We’d love to help you assess your Clinical Data Management (CDM) skills. Please take a few moments to complete our short evaluation quiz. It’s a great way to identify your strengths and areas for improvement in CDM!

Best of luck, and we look forward to seeing how you do! 🌟



#1. What is the primary goal of clinical data management (CDM)?

#2. Which of the following systems is commonly used in clinical data management?

#3. What is the purpose of a Data Management Plan (DMP) in clinical trials?

#4. Which of the following describes “data cleaning” in clinical data management?

#5. In clinical data management, CRF stands for:

#6. What is the role of a Clinical Data Manager?

#7. Which of the following is a common data validation method in CDM?

#8. Which phase of clinical trials involves the most extensive data collection?

#9. What is the primary advantage of using an EDC system over paper-based data collection?

#10. Which document outlines the requirements for the security and confidentiality of clinical trial data?


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