Types of Clinical Research/Trial/Studies


Categorized according to objective of clinical research:

Treatment Trial also known as interventional trials test experimental treatments, new combinations of drugs, or new approaches to surgery or radiology/radiation therapy, psychotherapy which are not officially approved.

Prevention Trial looks for better ways to prevent developing disease in people who have never had them or prevent them from returning. Eg: Vitamins, vaccines, minerals, lifestyle changes

Diagnostic Trial conducted to find better tests or procedures for diagnosing a particular disease or condition.

Screening Trial tests the best way to detect certain diseases or health conditions.

Quality of Life explores ways to improve comfort and the quality of life for individuals with chronic illness.

Genetic Studies aim to foresee the genetic makeup of individual and anticipating chances of developing disease associated with it. Genetic studies may help in developing tailor made treatments.

Epidemiological Studies are performed to identify the disease pattern, causes effects of health and disease in a predetermined population. Epidemiological studies are pivotal in public health, making health care policies and evidence based medical practise by identifying risk factors and preventing the disease.

Categorized as therapeutic and non therapeutic trials:

Therapeutic Trial the treatment being investigated is likely to benefit the trial subject.

Non therapeutic Trial aims at obtaining knowledge and information about the product, which may contribute to the development of drug. Non-Therapeutic trials are less likely to directly benefit the trial subject.

Categorized based on study design:

Single Centre: Study conducted at one location.

Multi- Centre: Study conducted at several locations, different locations within the state or different location in different countries.

Randomized Clinical: Study subject are randomly assigned to treatment group or control group by element of chance.

Open Labelled :Subject and Investigator (Researcher) are aware of drug being given.

Blind: Subject is unaware of treatment assignment i.e, treatment group or a control group.

Double Blind: Subject and investigator are unaware of treatment assignment i.e, treatment group or a control group.

Placebo controlled: The medicine like substance which does not contain active ingredient as that of treatment drug.

Add-on:  Subjects receive existing treatment; few of the subjects receive add-on treatment while others are not given treatment drug or given a placebo.



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